Our mission is to provide the most outstanding aesthetic solutions for the face, body, and skin.
Your youthful appearance is not just an external consideration. Looking young makes you feel young. Neuromodulator-based treatments in the neck and chin area can be the perfect solution to bring back your youthful days.

A unique feature of neuromodulator technology for the neck and chin area is its ability to address and reduce the appearance of platysmal bands. These are two strips of muscle that run vertically down both sides of your neck and are caused by contractions of the platysma, the most superficial muscle layer in the face and neck. This contraction of the platysma can eventually cause double chins, creases in the neck, and an overall saggy and aged look.
Neuromodulators can effectively lessen the appearance of the bands as they are designed to relax the muscles just underneath the layer of skin (which in this case would be the platysma bands). That means your signs of ageing in the neck and chin area can be hidden and your youthful appearance can be more visible!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services and team, book a free consultation today.
At D Luxe Lab, we use Botox® and Dysport®, the world’s leading solutions in neuromodulator based treatments for the neck and chin. With these solutions, you can expect:
To see if neuromodulator injections for your neck and chin contouring needs are right for you, contact us today!
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our services and team, book a free consultation today.